Age-Freindly City Workshop
Urban transformation and intensification processes need to incorporate urban design to maximize the benefits of public spaces. Well-designed public spaces can facilitate the enjoyment of neighbourhood life and better support density of activities, uses and users. In general, slums are characterised by a very limited amount of public space, since land is occupied for residential and private uses, with weak or no provision for public uses. In such contexts, public space is crowded and supports many different activities and functions. In such contexts, public spaces can become a highly symbolic element of civic engagement and citizenship, as well as an important anchor of upgrading interventions. Streets and public spaces are vital elements in the improvement of quality of life in informal areas, particularly in densely-occupied settlements where their absence is the source of multiple problems faced by informal areas dwellers and the city as a whole. Public spaces have always attracted young people . Most young people use public space actively and frequently and is one of the few havens where young people can ‘hang out’ without parental control . For children and young people, the barriers and restrictions on access to public spaces are complex and numerous . They include planning and design elements as well as social developments,

The workshop aims to a shed a light on the impact of place making in informal areas and marginalized communities around the city of Cairo as a tool to enhance the quality of livening especially for children

Deadline for Application: 21st April 2017

Who Can Apply: Students & Young Professionals of planners, architects, social activists & as well as those with previous experience in place making or have interest to be innovative in activating places in unplanned areas around Cairo.

How to Apply: kindly Send a letter of Interest & a short Bio/Portfolio to Arch. Tayseer Khairy via email:


Design for Age-Friendly City WorkShop (Apply Now)

Age-Freindly City Workshop
Urban transformation and intensification processes need to incorporate urban design to maximize the benefits of public spaces. Well-designed public spaces can facilitate the enjoyment of neighbourhood life and better support density of activities, uses and users. In general, slums are characterised by a very limited amount of public space, since land is occupied for residential and private uses, with weak or no provision for public uses. In such contexts, public space is crowded and supports many different activities and functions. In such contexts, public spaces can become a highly symbolic element of civic engagement and citizenship, as well as an important anchor of upgrading interventions. Streets and public spaces are vital elements in the improvement of quality of life in informal areas, particularly in densely-occupied settlements where their absence is the source of multiple problems faced by informal areas dwellers and the city as a whole. Public spaces have always attracted young people . Most young people use public space actively and frequently and is one of the few havens where young people can ‘hang out’ without parental control . For children and young people, the barriers and restrictions on access to public spaces are complex and numerous . They include planning and design elements as well as social developments,

The workshop aims to a shed a light on the impact of place making in informal areas and marginalized communities around the city of Cairo as a tool to enhance the quality of livening especially for children

Deadline for Application: 21st April 2017

Who Can Apply: Students & Young Professionals of planners, architects, social activists & as well as those with previous experience in place making or have interest to be innovative in activating places in unplanned areas around Cairo.

How to Apply: kindly Send a letter of Interest & a short Bio/Portfolio to Arch. Tayseer Khairy via email:


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